2012년 1월 14일 토요일

Subject(Financial Management) Lecture 3

*본문은 2011년 2학기 국민대학교 권용재 교수님 수업 재무관리를 요약한 내용입니다*

Cash Flow (현금흐름은 재무제표로부터 도출할 수 있는 가장 중요한 정보중 하나)
  Cash Flow From Asset(CFFA) = Operating Cash Flow(OCF) - Net Capital Spending(NCS) - Changes in NWC
  영업현금흐름; OCF = EBIT + depreciation - taxes
          = (Sales - CoGS - depreciation) + depreciation - taxes
  순 자본유출; NCS = ending net fixed asset - beginning net fixed asset + depreciation
    NCS는 음수가 나올 수 있다.
  Change in NWC = ending NWC - beginning NWC
  CFFA = OCF - NCS - Change in NWC
  CF to Creditors;채권자 and Stockholders;주주
    CF to Creditors = interest paid - net new borrowing
    CF to Stockholders = dividends - net new equity raised

1. Compute the CFFA
Current Accounts
2007: CA = $4,400; CL = $1,500
2006: CA = $3,500; CL = $1,200
Fixed Assets and Depreciation
2007: NFA = $3,400; 2006: NFA = $3,100
Depreciation Expense = $400
Long-term Debt and Equity (R.E. not given)
2007: LTD = $4,000; Common stock & APIC = $400
2006: LTD = $3,950; Common stock & APIC = $400
Income Statement
EBIT = $2,000; Taxes = $300
Interest Expense = $350; Dividends = $500

2. CFFA, CF to creditors, CF to stockholders for 2008?
                                                 2007                       2008
Sales                                       $3,790                    $3,990
CoGS                                        2,043                      2,137
Depreciation                               975                      1,018
Interest                                        225                         267
Dividends                                    200                         225
Current assets                         2,140                      2,346
Net fixed assets                       6,770                      7,087
Current liabilities                        994                      1,126
Long-term debt                        2,869                      2,956
(Corporate tax rate = 34%)

*본문은 2011년 2학기 국민대학교 권용재 교수님 수업 재무관리를 요약한 내용입니다*

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